Grimm's Rainbow Semi Circles match perfectly in size and colour with the Large Rainbow.
When used in combination they make a tall tower, a garage, a stage, cave and a home for friends. They are great for all sorts of creative floor play and when combined with any of the large Grimm's rainbows or tunnels children can create inventive and flexible dolls houses.
We use them a lot as platforms, ramps and packers in various creations and ball runs. Little architects can experience flexibility and versatility in modern design and building.
See some photos of ways to play with them in conjunction with other products.
Item Specifics:
11 pieces.
Birch plywood, non-toxic water-based color stain.
Size of Largest Piece:
Approx 37cm across straight side
Note: This makes them big enough to stack on top of the pieces of the Large Rainbow.