It seems every childhood specialist is telling us to get our kids playing outside, and for good reason. The list of benefits is seemingly endless, but at the very least, you can expect improved motor skills, improved muscle strength, improved peer-to-peer relationships, and greater overall health. If you’re anything like us, you lived outside as a child. There were no iPads or on-demand TV shows. We were outside from dawn until the streetlights came on, and could swat a mosquito with the best of them.
Unfortunately, our children are growing up in a different world from what we lived in. It is, understandably, tricky sometimes to encourage them to go outdoors. Screens are incredibly tempting, and children are often left wondering how to have fun outside.
The ‘outdoor adventure’ deck is bursting with simple, fun ideas to get the family outside and playing together. Inside the deck are equipment-free games to be played anywhere, as well as fun, innovative, and simple setups for your backyard.
How to use:
Using PLAY CARDS™ is as simple as, picking a card, collecting a few household items and getting playful!
This deck includes:
24 inspired play cards
1 instruction card
- A sliding draw box with easy-to-pull ribbon
On the back you will find:
A quick list of things you will need.
- Instructions of how to get the most out of the activities.